Curriculum Overview
In first grade, we use the SuperKids Reading Program. Students will be reading new stories weekly as a whole class and in small groups using leveled readers. We will focus on the development of student skills in the five components of reading.
Phonemic Awareness: The ability to hear, identify and manipulate the individual sounds (phonemes) in spoken words.
Phonics: The relationship between phonemes (the sounds of the spoken language) and graphemes (the letters and spellings that represent those sounds in written language).
Vocabulary: The development of information about the meanings and pronunciation of words.
Fluency: The ability to read text accurately and quickly.
Comprehension: Understanding, remembering and communicating with others about what has been read.
Sight Word Practice: Sight words (memory words) are key to the development and progress of your child’s fluency speed and self-confidence in reading. Research shows that there is a direct correlation between fluency speed and text comprehension. We will monitor the children on their progress and send home a new list when they have mastered their current list. Please practice these words regularly to increase your child’s reading fluency and self-confidence.
Sight Word Practice
Sight words are key to the development and progress of your child’s fluency speed and self-confidence in reading. Research shows that there is a direct correlation between fluency speed and text comprehension.Students are responsible for knowing 50 sight words each quarter. Please practice these words nightly to increase your child’s reading fluency and self-confidence. I will assess the children on their words and send home a new list when they have mastered their current list.
Our spelling program is a component of our reading series. Your child will be bringing home spelling practice each week. The spelling list will consist of words that are directly related to the skills we are working on in reading.
First grade uses the SuperKids writing component to instruct and introduce the children to multiple writing genres. The children will continue to work on writing sentences, and as the year progresses, they will be expected to add more information and details to support their ideas.
Wolford Elementary will continue using Go Math this year. Go Math uses shapes, drawings, math vocabulary, and real-world situations to help students build mathematical ideas that make sense to them. Math time will include whole group, small group and independent activities.
We will be using the following units of study to learn scientific methods and address state and district science standards:
Physical Science: Analyze properties between solids and liquids.
Life Science: Compare and contrast characteristics of animal’s offspring to their parents, and physical characteristics that help animals survive .
Earth Systems Science: Compare and classify materials on Earth.
The science program that we use is a “hands-on” experimental approach to the study of science concepts.
Social Studies
At Wolford we use the Social Studies Alive program. We teach the Common Core Standards thru this program and our reading program. Topics include:
History: Order events in history and family and cultural traditions in the United States.
Geography: How to use maps and globes and how people in different communities interact with their environment.
Economics: Jobs in the community and short term financial goals.
Civics: How to be a responsible member of a team and notable people, places, holidays and patriotic symbols.