Curriculum Overview
Language Arts
Students in fourth grade use the Wonders reading program. Students will be reading new stories weekly as a whole class and in small groups using leveled readers. Within the program students will develop their vocabulary, learn new comprehension strategies and work to develop reading fluency.
Students also participate in weekly Socratic Seminars where they develop critical reading skills and have a discussion around a shared novel.
Fourth grade students use the Lucy Calkins writing program to introduce and instruct them in several writing genres. Students plan, develop and write a unique piece of writing within each writing genre. Spelling, morphology, and grammar are also addressed during the writing period.
Students in fourth grade use the GoMath program. Students learn concepts in place value, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, and measurement. Students participate in whole group, small group, and independent work during the math period.
Students in fourth grade use the following units of study to learn scientific methods.
Energy works: Energy Works incorporates phenomena and provides opportunities for students to manipulate materials while exploring concepts related to energy.
Plant and Animal Structures: Plant and Animal Structures provides hands-on, inquiry-based investigations focused on phenomena and concepts related to adaptations.
Changing Earth: Changing Earth provides hands-on, inquiry-based investigations that focus on phenomena related to the history of Earth and its landforms.
Colorado History
Students in fourth grade use the Colorado Story program to learn about the history of our state. Students learn about famous Colorado figures, the landscape of Colorado, and how Colorado has changed over time.
To be completed the night it is assigned (unless noted otherwise)
To reinforce concepts taught in class
To form habits that develop responsibility and accountability
To provide opportunities for individual exploration of a topic